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Connecticut RFPs & Bids, Government Contracts in Connecticut State (CT)

  Even though Connecticut is a relatively small state the opportunities for government work is not! Every agency in Connecticut publishes RFP. Find RFP searches and finds government RFP (request for proposal), government bids, and government contracts in the state of Connecticut (CT). Solicitations in Connecticut listed below are published by all levels of governments, including federal bids, Connecticut state contracts and RFPs, as well as local government contracting & bidding opportunities from cities, counties, municipalities, towns, schools, and other regional government authorities in Connecticut (CT). There may be Connecticut RFP from a branch of your local government or it could be a Connecticut RFP for the entire state.
  New Search Result for RFPs and Bids in the State of Connecticut (CT)
IDFederal, State, Local Government Bids, Contracts, RFPStateIssuing Agency
1Locker & Toilet Room Renovations at the Town Campus Gym FacilityConnecticut (CT)State/Local
2Bid #7-2425 Town Marina Replacement of Deck Rails & StairsConnecticut (CT)State/Local
32025-19 - DRAINAGE SYSTEM CLEANING & INSPECTIONSConnecticut (CT)State/Local
4CP022725 Buckley Hall Asbestos AbatementConnecticut (CT)State/Local
5Network Switching HardwareConnecticut (CT)State/Local
6Defensive Driving ProgramConnecticut (CT)State/Local
7Concession Operations at Weed BeachConnecticut (CT)State/Local
8Request for Proposals - Non-Motorized Boat Rental Services & Lessons at Weed BeachConnecticut (CT)State/Local
91271-Refuse, Recycling, Bulky Waste Removal and Related ServicesConnecticut (CT)State/Local
10Management of Citywide Beach and Park Parking / Northern Park AttendantsConnecticut (CT)State/Local

Find all RFPS/Bids, please click here 
Major Connecticut Cities Included in the Search
Find RFP database covers all the major cities in the state of Connecticut (CT). These Connecticut cities include Greenwich, New Haven, Hartford, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, New Britain, West Hartford, Bridgeport.
Major Connecticut Counties Covered by Find RFP Database
Your online search and daily RFP notification may include government bids and contracts from any or all of the Connecticut counties: Fairfield County, Hartford County, New Haven County, New London County, Litchfield County, Middlesex County, Tolland County
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