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Government Contracting
Common Contracting Terms
Bid, Tender
Bidder’s Conference
Competitive Bidding
Contract Amendment
Government Contractor
Contract Value
Government Procurement
Government Proposal
Invitation to Bid
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFT: Request for Tender
RFQ: Request for Qualification
Federal Contract, Bid or RFP
Local, State Contracts, Bids, RFP
Bid: What is a Bid?

A bid is a tender, proposal or quotation submitted in response to a solicitation from a contracting authority. By law, government agencies are required to issue bids publicly whenever they are in need of a specific product or service. This is standard policy in order to prevent “insider bidding”, where companies are being awarded contracts secretively. It is also beneficial for the government agency itself because it creates competition, resulting in lower prices for them. Tenders come in various forms, including RFIs, RFPs, RFQs & ITBs.

How does one go about being informed of bids? Since they are made public it seems as though it would be easy to get this information. But with there being so many government agencies out there who follow different procedures, finding this information can be a difficult and time consuming process. This is where FindRFP comes into play.

With the combination of our large research team and customized software, FindRFP is able to gather all of this information for you and send it to you in a daily email notification. The bids will be sent to you based on your business scope and industry type. All you need to do is check your email daily and you will be notified of any relevant bids in your coverage area. It’s that simple!


Win State, Local, Federal Government Contracts and Bids
Why Selling to the Federal Government
Why Selling to local and state Governments
Government Contracting and Bidding
Government Contracting: Opportunities and Facts
Why Government Contracting?
Government Contracting Terminologies
Government Procurement: Bids and Contracts
Government Procurement: Simplified Procedures
Government Procurement: Sealed Bid, Invitation for Bid (IFB)
Request for Proposal, Request for Tender
Request for Quotation
What the Government Buys?
How to Find Government Bids, Contracts, Request for Proposal?
Why Register as Government Vendors and Contractors?
Government Bidders List
What to Know When Writing a Proposal or Bid?
How to Write a Proposal or Respond to a Bid Solicitation?
Tracking Proposal: Winning Bids, Awards
Trade Show Displays for Contractors

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