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Sporting Goods and other Recreational Equipment
The market of sporting goods has been in flux in recent years, especially 2016. As it stands, the competition for selling them to consumers is large and unforgiving to those who can’t keep up with the times. Think about it, if you wanted to purchase a pair of basketball shoes, what store could you go to for them. There’s Dick’s, REI, Footlocker, Nike, even Costco and countless others. Among others, this was the primary factor in why Sport’s Authority freshly closed all of its stores. In an article written by Chavie Lieber called “The Death of the Great American Sporting Goods Store”, it’s said that Sports Authority was once a one stop shop for everything, but consumer needs started to change towards more specialized equipment, but Sports Authority refused to evolve with the market. All of this vicious competition in attempting to sell to the average consumer is why government contracts should be used to gain a step up and remain on top of the competition.

FindRFP has an expansive assortment of contracts and RFPs to fulfill. A specific example which was located in our database was an expired contract called “INSTRUCTIONAL SPORTING GOODS” based out of Louisiana. In this RFP, the main purpose was to deliver and furnish a local children’s school with brand new sporting goods and other recreational equipment. Just one of the many opportunities you may find within our website.

Don’t let new opportunities pass you by and allow your business to become complacent. Sports Authority refused to change it’s business model and failed because of it. Here at FindRFP, we have found numerous contracts for sporting goods and recreational equipment to keep you productive and on top of the competition!

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