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Government Contracting
Common Contracting Terms
Bid, Tender
Bidder’s Conference
Competitive Bidding
Contract Amendment
Government Contractor
Contract Value
Government Procurement
Government Proposal
Invitation to Bid
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFT: Request for Tender
RFQ: Request for Qualification
Federal Contract, Bid or RFP
Local, State Contracts, Bids, RFP
Bidding on Telecommunications

Telecommunications and fiber optics are accountable for many of the RFPs on the market and provide a large percentage of the total RFPs that are put on the market on any given day. Telecom is a giant industry and with technology growing, the internet becoming quicker each day and the expansion of communication devices throughout our World, it is telecom that keeps us connected to one another.

Every business and institution deals within telecommunications in one way or another. This means that there are RFPs to bid on within this industry each and every day, and there are many. When trying to find a starting point and setting guidelines for your business to develop relationships, and partners to do business with there are three simple suggestions to go by:

Suggestion 1: Make sure the job you are planning to bid on coincides with your skills and interests.

Once finding a telecom RFP make sure that you read any addendum, attachment, or any additional information that may have been provided by the agency trying to procure a service or product. These can be very helpful and by overlooking them you may be missing out on very important information, and in some cases, the scope of work could change to the point of where your expertise in telecom may not suffice.

Suggestion 2: Bid on many RFPs in order to get your name on the market and develop relationships.

Bidding is very competitive, especially if the project to be bid on is highly desirable. Many times agencies and municipalities have worked with a business that has performed similar tasks for them in the past, which means they will tend to favor those organizations, because they do not have to worry about the job being done correctly. However, RFPs are public and they do need to take your proposal into consideration and by contacting many agencies and bidding on their proposals your name will eventually become more and more recognizable, especially once you have won a bid and have completed a project for an agency.

Suggestion 3: Always maintain a professional relationship with each agency you submit proposals to, no matter if you win the bid or not.

Do not forget about an agency and do not let the agency forget about you. You can still make a good impression on the agency even if the agency concludes that your proposal did not suffice for the intended project. Once you submit your proposal to the agency don’t stop there. Make sure you send another message that is thanking the agency for the opportunity, and make it clear that you will be available for future projects.

Our team at Find RFP is here to support our clients and find them the RFPs they need, whether it is in telecommunications or any other industry. If you or your business is ready to start bidding and needs a place to start, go no further. Find RFP will zero in on the exact RFPs your business is looking for and will provide you with projects that are relevant to your expertise and geographical area in which your business operates. Start with Find RFP and end with winning a bid.

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