Construction, Infrastructure, and RFPs
From transportation to telecommunications, construction is involved in just about every public sector project. Construction is necessary to create almost all public assets and facilities such as roads, bridges, sewer systems, schools, housing, and even broadband Internet.
Construction is an expansive industry spanning a whole host of different goods and services. From multi-billion dollar installations to minor home repair, there are construction projects for everything as well as every contractor. Construction can be a quite lucrative trade. For instance, megaprojects like the famed CityCenter in Las Vegas, Nevada cost an estimated eleven billion dollars to construct. There are, however, many smaller-scale projects available to small businesses and contractors. In fact, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) of Wisconsin is currently requesting uncompensated, pro bono proposals from firms willing to deliver technical presentations to professional audiences regarding green infrastructure and sustainable construction solutions.
Construction is the industry of infrastructure and as such it is constantly growing, changing, and updating. For instance, crumbling transportation infrastructure has become an issue all around the country. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) one in nine bridges are structurally deficient. These aging transportation systems are in desperate need of repair and have been major topics of discussion in many state legislatures and government offices.
Government agencies of all levels are increasingly concerned about America’s infrastructure, particularly its transportation infrastructure. Not only is the deterioration of neglected roads and bridges becoming a serious public safety hazard nationwide, but the costs of traffic congestion and vehicle damage are becoming too much to bear for many motorists and businesses. Construction-related RFPs and other bids are quite frequent and are in fact released from a variety of agencies every single day. Construction, engineering, and architectural firms as well as those specializing in design, planning, surveying, cost consulting, and site development among others must look no further than Find RFP in order to find opportunities of interest.
Read more Blogs on Government RFP, Bid, Contract and Notice