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Disaster Relief and Recovery: We're in this Together
Destruction, chaos, death. These are just a few of the things that come to mind when we hear of natural disasters. While they certainly aren’t anything new to us, it is always disheartening when we hear one has struck us. They come in many different forms, but the most recent form is the one of Hurricane Matthew. And Matthew has caused quite a reckoning to the Eastern United States, specifically North Carolina, South Carolina Florida, Virginia, and Georgia. In a report by the Weather Channel, forty three people in the U.S have died from the hurricane which has since been reported to be forty three, the majority of which in North Carolina. Additionally, winds from the hurricane were reported to be as fast as 107 mph in Cape Canaveral, Florida destroying large amounts of property, buildings, and shelters along the way. According to a recent USA Today article, the economic impact could be as much as six billion dollars. Of all of the claimed damage from the hurricane, 90% of it is said to be due to the high speed winds, while the rest is from storm surge. Lastly the article concludes with a haunting stat that 2016 has had “12 separate weather disasters that have each surpassed the $1 billion damage amount.” Which is the highest since 2011 and the second-highest ever. With this catastrophe, the economy in the South-East U.S. is sure to be set back in it’s growth for years to come.

When we are hit with such adversity, we are naturally called to come together as fellow humans and help rebuild what has been broken. For most people in the country, this means making a helpful donation through many of the non-profit organizations which provide disaster relief. For those who live in the affected areas, this means providing huge labor efforts in doing the physical rebuilding. While one may believe these are the only groups of people involved, there is another group, those who provide relief services through RFPs and other contracting opportunities.

Disaster relief can be performed through various forms of labor. In the expired bid titled "Request For Proposal #2015-002 for Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Assistance Program", which was located by FindRFP, there is a request which includes present and future support for damages from Hurricane Sandy. Specifically the document states: “The purpose of the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Assistance Program for Historic Properties is to provide technical assistance and emergency repairs to historic architectural and archaeological resources that were impacted by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012”. So along with damage analysis, they are searching for ways to preserve what is left and to prevent heavy damage like this in the future.

While we all hope that disaster never hits us, it is unwise to lack the foresight to be prepared for one. Providing relief for these horrific events can provide some honest, hard-work in helping many people recover and become resilient. It can also help prevent heavier damage to a certain area if one were to unfortunately occur again. The first step to preparing is here at FindRFP, where we can help you discover the opportunities to contribute to recovery, relief, and repair.

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