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Progressive Industries in 2020: Clean Energy, Green Infrastructure
Climate change has become a real and growing threat to environmental sustainability and even global security. It is responsible for the melting of polar ice and the rising of sea levels, which threatens to displace many seaside communities around the world. Many researchers have also pointed to climate change as being the culprit for the increase in the frequency and severity of storms, floods, and droughts, as well as some increased risks to human health and to wildlife.

Despite these consequences and considerable scientific consensus that climate change results from the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases, climate change remains an economically sensitive and hot-button political issue. The debate is often fierce and fiery. Proponents of government regulation on carbon and other greenhouse gases argue that the human and environmental costs of climate change are too high to ignore. However, opponents argue that the economy would suffer greatly under such government regulations and restrictions.

Countries across the globe have started to come together and collaborate to address the issue and find solutions. For instance, the Kyoto Protocol of 2005 set up an international agreement between nearly 200 nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions globally. Though the United States has not ratified the treaty, many individual cities and states have enacted their own regulations to develop alternative sources of energy, cut emissions, and slow the progression of climate change.

The business of combating climate change has actually become a quite lucrative industry. Sources of clean energy like solar and wind power as well as the construction of green infrastructure or structures built with high efficiency standards that limit the use of natural resources are becoming more profitable and economical than ever before. For example, in January of 2016, the federal Defense Logistics Agency awarded a nearly half-billion dollar contract to Apex Clean Energy Holdings to supply the U.S. Army with electricity generated from wind and solar power.

With so much dependence on coal, oil, and natural gas, an emerging trend in America has gained traction and begun to produce clean energy and green infrastructure nationwide. Solar, wind, geothermal, and bioenergy have all become promising alternative sources of clean, renewable power that are increasingly in demand among federal, state, and local government agencies. Suppliers of solar panels, wind turbines, and biofuels as well as construction, architectural, and engineering firms that specialize in green infrastructure must look no further than Find RFP to find opportunities of interest.

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