eLearning and Learning Management Systems
In a busy, fast-paced world many are choosing alternatives to tradition classroom instruction. Among children and adults, online courses are becoming an attractive option for those in need of significant accommodations. Schools, universities, and other government agencies are increasingly interested in making these options available to students by procuring the services of online instructors as well as those that provide learning management and other software systems.
Online education or eLearning is becoming a necessity for a growing number of people. It can provide the convenience and flexibility to receive a quality education or participate in an interactive training program while maintaining other commitments. It can also be a particularly useful resource to ensure comfort and accessibility for students with physical and/or learning disabilities.
Like many other online and technology-enabled fields, online education and learning management systems are part of a very profitable industry. In fact, in July of 2016, the county of Allegheny, Pennsylvania awarded a nearly $385,000 contract to Cornerstone OnDemand to provide a learning management system (LMS) software-based tool, and ongoing customer support, designed with a user-friendly and customizable interface.
Federal, state, and local government agencies all across the nation are seeking professionals to educate over the web and also those to provide the platform and interface to enable eLearning. Online educators and webinar instructors as well as software and IT firms that provide learning management systems, eLearning modules, and other technical support and maintenance services must look no further than FindRFP to find opportunities of interest.
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