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Government Contracting
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Bid, Tender
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Government Procurement
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Invitation to Bid
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFT: Request for Tender
RFQ: Request for Qualification
Federal Contract, Bid or RFP
Local, State Contracts, Bids, RFP
Government Bidders List

A government bidders list is a standardized tool used mostly by federal procurement offices to identify potential contractors. A bidders list will help agencies narrow down the potential vendors who are able to fulfill desired goods and services needed based upon pre-existing specifications. Simply put: it’s a shortcut for agencies looking to weed out the best possible candidates in the bidding process.

A bidders list will contain a list of names and vendors who have completed the pre-qualifications for a given job. The vendors included on a bidders list would previously advise and provide the buying office with data showing their ability to fulfill a given contract, product or service.

The specific factors and requirements in order to be included on a given bidders list will wholly depend on the agency and the scope of work. Some of the requirements often fulfilled to be included on a bidders list will include the following:

  • Size of Firm
  • Past Experience
  • Financial Status
  • Labor Relations Background
  • Staff Capabilities
  • Work/Bonding Capacity
  • Facilities
  • Professional Credentials
  • Reputation
  • Industry References
  • In seeking out government contracts, it’s important for you and your business to familiarize yourself with requirements to be added to bidders list. This can greatly reduce preliminary work in the bidding process and give you a leg up on being awarded over your industry competitors!

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