Snow Removal Bids and Contracts
Our views of snow, for better or worse, have always been polarizing. There appears to be two distinct reactions to the first snowfall of the year. The first is one of joy and wonder as it marks the beginning of the various activities which winter has to offer like: skiing/snowboarding, hockey, sledding, tubing, making snowmen, etc. For the people not enthralled in these activities, winter marks the beginning of extra work (i.e shoveling, window scraping, warming up the car), diminished daylight, and overall the need to stay warm. Regardless of our divisive opinions of the season, it is universally agreed that we need to stay warm and safe as the temperature drastically drops.
In order to stay safe, we as civilians need to drive with caution first and foremost. In tandem with that, roads and other driving surfaces need to be properly cleared of snow and ice which built up the previous night. This prevents our daily lives and businesses from functioning properly. And since large snowfalls can happen overnight, it is imperative that there are workers who can remove the snow and clear the streets so the work day can go as planned. In a study done by the University of Georgia performed between the years of 1996-2011, over 800 people die per year due to crashes during winter precipitation. The total amount of deaths within that same timeframe adds up to be more than 12,000 people. Perhaps some of those crashes are due to poor judgment by drivers while in these conditions. However, the more we can diminish the effects from inclement weather from staying on the roads, the more crashes and deaths we can prevent going forward.
Here at FindRFP, there are plenty of snow removal bids and contracts available where you can join in the effort to keep the general public safe and efficient.
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